Pobre Ana

Pobre AnaAna is a 15-year old girl from California who leads a tough life. Her mother is always on her case. Her family does not have a lot of money, and her best friends' families are rich. She is very jealous of them. When she gets an opportunity to go to Mexico, she goes to a small city where she lives with a very nice family that is poorer than her own family. Her view of life changes and she sees everything in a different light upon her return home. Pobre Ana is short and easy. Beginning students will discover they have learned a significant amount of Spanish after reading it.



Lista de Vocabulario

Capítulo 1

Capítulo 2

Capítulo 3

Capítulo 4

Capítulo 5

Capitulo 6

Capítulo 7

Capítulo 8

Capítulo 9